
Sales Gemü in Bulgaria

We offer the full range of products of Gemü products. We will make sure to provide you with the lowest price and shortest delivery time for original and high quality products. We are not Bulgaria distributor of Gemü brand yet we are importing it. When you wish to receive tender, just let us know the information of model.

Brand products Gemü

554 80D 1 9 51 2

angle seat valve

554 65D 1 9 51 2

angle seat valve




solenoid valve

550 25 D 17 37 5 1 3G 1-2061

2/2way shut off valve pneumatic

550 25D1737 513G1

angle seat valve


angle seat valve

620 50D 8 18 29 1 2KN

Pneumatically operated diaphragm valve


connection set

88058355 (807R20D722141486400101)

Variable area flow meter

88092764 1435000Z10001

ePos electropneumatic positioner

711 15D 1375L

ball valve

Other Category Brands

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