Givi Misure

Sales Givi Misure in Bulgaria

You can contact us if you wish to receive tender about Givi Misure brand. Products have modern technology rank as succesfully in many endustry deparments. ИМПЕКСРОН ООД - IMPEXRON Ltd. is not an authorized distributor, dealer or manufacturer of this brand. Givi Misure products fabricate in modern foundations with high technology investments.

Brand products Givi Misure

GVS215 T5E 1070 1025VL M0,5/S CG1

Incremental Magnetic Scale



GVS215 T5E 0270 1028VL M07/S SC E

Incremental Magnetic Scale

MTS 10C 12-24VL


GVS200 T5E 0320 05VL M08/S SC

Incremental Optical Scale

MTS H100C 528VL M02/N SC F SP72

MTS Incremental Magnetic Scale

0994309 0270mm 5Z

linear sensor

GVS200 T5E 0270 05VL M0,5/S C58

Optical Incremental Scale

GVS215 T5E 0270 05VL M0,5/S CG1 SP92

Incremental Magnetic Scale

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